Blog Posts

How a Brand Audit Could Revitalize the Democratic Party

Posted by on Feb 2, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

How a Brand Audit Could Revitalize the Democratic Party

Since the Presidential election, Trump has dominated the news with his twitter comments, controversial cabinet appointments and extraordinary views on major issues for 2017.  What we don’t hear much about is the Democratic Party, and whether their current values still resonate with enough voters to be successful in the future.  Maybe it should re-brand itself? This situation is similar to the challenges many brands face during their lifecycle when their appeal becomes stale or irrelevant.   Because consumers, competition and new trends are...

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How Storytelling Can Shape The Corporate Brand And Culture

Posted by on Dec 15, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

How Storytelling Can Shape The Corporate Brand And Culture

Technology has transformed our world into a data obsessive circus where information is unbelievably accessible, connectivity is constant, and unpredictable events always surprise and engulf us.  Call this extreme clutter and volatility.  With so much information and multi-tasking surrounding us, it has become a challenge to restore simplicity, clarity and focus in our communications.  These excessive conditions provide the main impetus for the re-emergence of storytelling for inspiring, engaging and connecting to others. Storytelling is...

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How Trump’s Brand Positioned Itself For Victory

Posted by on Nov 14, 2016 in Blog | 1 comment

How Trump’s Brand Positioned Itself For Victory

  Without doubt, Trump’s election victory was a shock to most people, especially pollsters, the news media and those living in urban centers across the country.  In some ways, it was a contest of character between the two most unfavorably perceived presidential candidates in history.  However, from a branding perspective, the compelling reasons behind each vote was more about what each candidate stood for.  And this is what branding is all about – making promises that resonate with people’s intense emotional desires, to connect with them. To...

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The EU Brand, Brexit And Millennials – A Lost Opportunity For All

Posted by on Nov 10, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

The EU Brand, Brexit And Millennials – A Lost Opportunity For All

In many ways, the EU (European Union) was the ideal brand because its core promise to all Europeans involved sharing and connecting across all borders.  But the tumultuous impact of Brexit on the future viability of the EU brand is a good example of what happens when an outside event undermines its basic brand positioning.  And Millennials in the UK played a big role for causing this possible disaster. It was the sense of community and connectivity that defined this Generation Y, known as the first digital generation.   The EU brand meant...

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Why Branding Is Even More Important For Start-ups – 10 Tips

Posted by on Oct 18, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

Why Branding Is Even More Important For Start-ups – 10 Tips

  True branding can be a bewildering challenge for many managers, especially entrepreneurs.  Either they don’t completely understand the strategic benefits of authentic branding, and/or they assume that branding simply consists of a new name, logo and proprietary graphics.  And most certainly they don’t know how to apply relevant branding principles to improve their marketing and communications, especially when faced with new competition, changing customer preferences or other market based trends. Entrepreneurs are understandably obsessed...

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How Putin’s Brand Inspires Trump

Posted by on Sep 19, 2016 in Blog | 2 comments

Donald Trump recently praised President Putin of Russia with full admiration as “a leader far more than our leader” and that he “has very strong control” over Russia.  As a forceful, deal-making businessman, Trump can relate to Putin’s leadership style.  Both are authoritative kindred spirits.   But will Putin’s authoritative brand image have any impact on Trump’s political behavior?  And if so, what could we expect from a Trump presidency?  In any case, this comparison also provides a case study of how similar leadership brands may not...

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Inequality of Pay Undermining Trust In CEOs and Corporate Brands

Posted by on Aug 17, 2016 in Blog | 1 comment

Inequality of Pay Undermining Trust In CEOs and Corporate Brands

Inequality of pay in business has become a crisis, fueled mainly by the excessive compensation of CEOs.  In 1965, the average ratio comparing CEO pay to the median worker’s was 20:1.  Today CEOs earn more than 300 times, or 300:1.   This alarming disparity has stimulated a widespread negative reaction, as the passionate response by Millennials for Bernie Sanders has demonstrated.   Even more disconcerting is evidence from studies showing that the highest-paid CEOs are often the worst performers.   In short, the growing problem of inequality...

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The EU Brand, Brexit And Millennials – A Lost Opportunity For All

Posted by on Jul 18, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

The EU Brand, Brexit And Millennials – A Lost Opportunity For All

In many ways, the EU (European Union) was the ideal brand because its core promise to all Europeans involved sharing and connecting across all borders.  But the tumultuous impact of Brexit on the future viability of the EU brand is a good example of what happens when an outside event undermines its basic brand positioning.  And Millennials in the UK played a big role for causing this possible disaster.   It was the sense of community and connectivity that defined this Generation Y, known as the first digital generation.   The EU brand...

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The EU Brand, Brexit And Millennials – A Lost Opportunity For All

Posted by on Jul 18, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

The EU Brand, Brexit And Millennials – A Lost Opportunity For All

In many ways, the EU (European Union) was the ideal brand because its core promise to all Europeans involved sharing and connecting across all borders.  But the tumultuous impact of Brexit on the future viability of the EU brand is a good example of what happens when an outside event undermines its basic brand positioning.  And Millennials in the UK played a big role for causing this possible disaster.   It was the sense of community and connectivity that defined this Generation Y, known as the first digital generation.   The EU brand...

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Why The Airlines Must Improve Their Brand Image

Posted by on Jun 20, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

Why The Airlines Must Improve Their Brand Image

The negative perceptions of the major U.S. airline brands (e.g. American, United, Delta, US Airways) reached a new high recently with publicity on the interminable security lines at most airports.  While these excessive wait times have many causes, such as not enough checkers and increased air traffic, the airline industry is partly to blame as well.  Their individual charges for checked baggage have encouraged more people to drag their belongings through security, clogging X-ray lines and squeezing them into overhead compartments.  Today 62%...

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